This is my bestist buddy Elizabeth, Liz, Lizzy, Lizzy-Pooh, Lizard, Lizard Shit, Goatus, Betty, Dude... I met her on a kona field trip in 4thgrade. We were in the same hotel room. We played mad doctor. We mixed all sorts of sodas and juices together to see what it tasted like. Some were really nasty. Then when we wanted to sleep Liz kept everyone up by talking. She was pissing everyone off, so I left to go and sleep in the bathroom. But Liz followed me and started talking to me. Then we played glow worms.. That was odd. We lost touch in 5th grade except I saw her like once at my bus stop. Then I went to Keaau school and we met up. 6th and 7th grade we didnt really get along. We kinda hated each other. Then when she went to the mainland for a few months I really missed her. Thats when I relized what a good friend she was. When she came back is when we clicked sort-of. We evolved out of are dorkyness period. yah we have been friends for a long time. I Love You Liz! umm. yah shes cool.
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